Passion is the top trait that we search for in the recruiting process and a main focal point in our everyday actions and long term planning.  Passion for the industry and the positive impact that we can have on society is what drives us to continuously improve and innovate our services.  Follow our blog, social media, and published work to keep up with what we are working on.

Our Blog

Engineering…Not Just a Career but a Calling

March 13, 2022
DUDLEY Structural Modeler, Austin Hohlt, got to drop by the Hoover Dam during his recent trip to Las Vegas! Way to represent the team at one...

Expansion Joints in Concrete

March 13, 2022
>>> ENGINEERING IN ACTION <<< Picture above are of an expansion joint in concrete pavement in which deformed bar reinforcement (rebar) was used in lieu...

Young Engineer of the Year – Oke Orieka

February 26, 2022
>>> CONGRATULATIONS <<< Congratulations to Oke Orieka on being honored as the TEXAS SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS – Brazos Chapter Young Engineers of the Year! > structural engineer-of-record on...

Expansive Soils and Structural Foundations

February 19, 2022
>>> EXPANSIVE SOILS <<< Institutional projects (anticipated building lifecycle of 100+ years) on sites predominated by expansive clay soils, often elect to proceed with a...